RCTB 1899 won the CTC Super Seniors Competition after a very competitive, sunny and social weekend at RC Polo. The Haagsche Lawn Tennis Club Leimonias, the Carrickmines Croquet & Lawn Tennis Club, the Real Club de Tenis Barcelona and of course the host RC Polo all participated in this doubles team competition of 55+ and 65 +category that combines men’s, women’s and mixed doubles.
The weekend saw two very tight semifinals between the RCTB 1899 and Leimonias, with the local club claiming the win by 4 points to 2. The vsitors from Dublin got a win over the host Club after some very close matches and a countdown on sets.
In the finals the RCTB 1899 scored a win over the Irish by 4 points to 2, leaving the host club in third place and the team from the Netherlands in fourth position.
The President of the Centenary Tennis Clubs Association, Mr Juan Mª Tintoré attended the Saturday night official dinner, where all the teams enjoyed a meal and good night together in the Club. All the players expressed their support to this new event and encouraged the Association to keep the ball rolling to organize further editions of this new format within CTC.