TC Parioli in Rome hosted the CTC Winner’s Group competition during the weekend of 14-15 September.
Four teams took part in the event, with TC Prague of the Czech Republic and Kungliga of Sweden travelling to join the hosts and fellow Italians TC Padova.
The event kicked off at the semifinal stage with the two Italian teams overcoming some stiff resistance to advance to the final. The hosts came back from a 0-2 match deficit to outlast Prague 6-3, while the second semifinal went to the wire, with Padova overcoming the Swedes thanks to 12-10 win in the match tie break of the deciding mixed doubles rubber, to squeeze to a 5-4 win overall.
No doubt the exertions affected the Padovans on the final day, which sadly was interrupted by rain. The hosts won all five of the matches that could be completed without the loss of a set and thus retain their title for another year.
Full match results can be found below:
Saturday 14 – Semifinal 1
tc parioli 1906-tc prague 6-3
35 m ribechi-vacek 16 06(prague)
35 m pennacchioli-koula 16 26 (prague)
45 m mazza-kurz 61 60 (parioli)
45 m biagianti-pitra 60 61 (parioli)
35 ladies testud-riklova 63 61 (parioli)
45 ladies morici-simunkova 63 64 (parioli)
d m 35 45 mazza ribechi- koula pitra 76 46 8-10 (prague)
d mix. 35. vacek riklova-biagianti testud 67 57( parioli)
d mix 45 kurz simunkova-mencaglia morici 26 36 (parioli)
Saturday 14 – Semifinal 2
tc padova-kungliga 5-4
35 m camporese-mirahmadi 62-62 (pad)
35 m pizzato-soderlindh 16 36 (kung)
45 m fornaro-svensson 06 26 (kung)
45 m tacchini-krueger 62 63 (pad)
35 ladies conean-westberg 06 26 (kung)
45 ladies castagna-nordlander 63 64 (pad)
dm35 45 camporese fornaro- soderlindh svensson 26 61 10-6 (pad)
d mix 35 pizzato conean- miramhadi westberg 61 36 9-11 (kung)
d mix 45 tacchini castagna- krueger hedin 61 36 12-10 (pad)
tc parioli 1906 – tc padova 5-0
35 m mencaglia-scapolo 62 63 (parioli)
45 m biagianti-fornaro 76 63 (parioli)
35 ladies testud conean 62 62 (parioli)
45 ladies morici-castagna 60 62 (parioli)
d mix 35 testud-biagianti-conean fornaro 9-6 (parioli)
few matches souspended becouse of rain
45 m mazza-tacchini
35 m pennacchioli-camporese 76 sosp.
2 doubles not played becouse of rain.
final 3°& 4° places
tc prague – tk kungliga 6-3