Six visiting overseas teams and two teams from the host club, Carrickmines played a first round of matches to determine who played for the Cup, (the winning teams), and who played for the plate, (the Runners up) at the 10th edition of the Carrickmines Cup Under 12 competition.

The 10th Carrickmines Cup was eventually won by Carrickmines, after an absorbing final match against 1.Cesky from Prague. It was only the second time the Dublin Club won the tournament with the Czechs winning an incredible eight times!!

The Polo Club from Barcelona won the Plate. They were unlucky to lose out to Cumberland in the first round, on a games countback after the tie was split at 3 matches all.

It was fortunate to have wonderful sunshine all weekend and to get full use out of the grass courts. Many of the players getting their first ever experience on grass.

It was great to have SALK from Stockholm for the first time and to welcome back old friends, many who have appeared every year since the inaugural competition in 2007.
Photos: (1) Winners Carrickmines Alannah Wilkinson, Rachel McCrum, Charlie O’Kelly (Coach), Zack Murphy & Johnny Wilkinson
(2) Alan Bradley, representing the CTC on behalf of Juan Maria Tintore, presenting a special plaque to Hugh Brennan, President of Carrickmines, (3) Play

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