The friendly match between Real Club de Tenis Barcelona-1899 and Leimonias HTLC ended in a straight win for the host club’s players..
The Dutch delegation enjoyed a visit that included not only tennis matches and socialising with the hosts, but also a tour of the facilities to learn about the latest developments at RCTB-1899 in terms of sustainability, with explanations from Carlos Rodríguez, member of the Board of Directors, and Àlex Mas, director of the club’s tennis school. It was three days of tennis, fun and sharing experiences.
The RCTB-1899 players who took part in this meeting with Leimonias HTLC were Montse Boter, Filin Durall, Ana Martí, Astrid Masagué, Maria Pallarás, Doris Reja, Teresa Sauquet and Maria Vendrell in the women’s category and Victor Bosch, Raimon Cambra, Antoni Durall, Joan Duran, Roberto Ferrero and Jordi Serra in the men’s category. The Dutch team included Liesbeth Zernith, their experienced captain, Karin Hollreiser, Désirée Siemerink-Looten, Jacqueline Dekker, Liesbeth Blaauboer, Fieke Uleman, Hinke Hamminga and Fréderique Dekker, the youngest member of the delegation; and Albert Holtslag, Erik-Jan Uleman, Johan Nanninga, Martin Hollreiser, Hans Frissen, Huib van Eesteren and Johan Vellinga in the men’s category.
Leimonias HTLC are looking forward to hosting RCTB-1899 in an future CTC friendly.