The team from Fitzwilliam LTC was the winner of the recent third edition of the Fitzwilliam Cup. 

Played under a round-robin format at the Real Sociedad de Tenis La Magdalena, the Irish were the strongest team, defeating the Kungl LTK team by 6 matches to 0 and the host team by 5 to 1. 

The third-place tie between the Swedish team and the hosts had a result of 5 to 1 for Kungl LTK, but the score did  not reflect the level of the matches, all of which finished with very close scores and some nailbiting finishes. For instance, La Magdalena player Patri Sagasitzabal held a 6-1 3-1 advantage but was unable to close out a victory, and the girls’ doubles was lost on the super tiebreak by a score of 11-9. 

All the players were able hosted in local families during the weekend, resulting in a great experience for all of them. 

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